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How To Draw The Head of a Dog or Wolf

This is a nice, simple technique you can use to draw a canine's head from a side view.
Basically, simple shapes are drawn as place holders before the image is created. Details are added in relation to the place holders, leaving you with a finished sketch.

1) The first step is to draw a circle. It represents the jaw.
2) Draw a small slanted oval for the forhead and brow. It should be slightly tilted downwards.

3) Draw a triangle for the snout.

That's it for the skeleton! This walkthrough shows you how to make a wolf, but you can use this skeleton to create almost any creature with a long face, beak, or snout. Using shapes, it's easy to position the head however you like, without needing to look at a reference photo of the subject.

Now for the details and skin.

1) Give him an eye. It should be below the brow (the upper oval).

2) The snout starts at the end of the oval curving downwards and then upwards just above the point of the triangle, leaving a gap between the two points.
3) Connect these two points with one curving line to create the nose.
4) The mouth is a line starting at the bottom of the nose leading straight back towards the eye.
5) The chin or jaw starts at the base of the mouth and leads into the circle.
6) The ear is created with two strokes. One starts at the middle of the upper oval and goes upwards to create the point of the ear and then curves downwards to meet the circle. The second stroke begins at the top of the upper oval and goes upwards to meet the top of the ear.
7) Now that it looks more like a canine, you can give it some fur. I'll domonstrate some shaggy facial fur, since this is a wolf tutorial. Give it some facial fur starting at the back tip of the eye. Curve it downwards and then, keeping the jagged "fur flow" in the same direction, continue it to the jaw.
8)The top of its neck starts from the middle of the top oval and the bottom continues from the jaw.
9) Erase the circle guides and you're done!

This tutorial is copyright © Michele Teich